Here on Vancouver Island we were watching our daffodils come up a few weeks ago – until a sudden flurry of late winter dropped about a foot of snow on them! But nevertheless, spring is just around the corner. And with a change of season comes a flurry of activity in the music world. From Duncan to Ladysmith, Mill Bay to Qualicum Beach, there will be music festivals, choir recitals, college and university music exams, and many piano studio recitals in the next couple of months. And for each event they all need to have their pianos tuned and serviced. Today I was tuning a piano for the Upper Island Music Festival here in Nanaimo, and tomorrow I’ll be servicing a harpsichord for an upcoming concert at the Port Theatre. If you are in central Vancouver Island and you are also looking to have your piano tuned or serviced this spring, please don’t wait to book a date! Call 250-754-2440 for Piano Forte Service.